Wednesday, October 6, 2010


MTA has created something they call “Bus Roots. These are buses, which on the top of them, have “green roofs”. This will add a lot more green space to New York City (where green roots is located). This was the idea of a NYU graduate named Marco Castro Cosio to " ’reclaim forgotten space, increase quality of life and grow the amount of green spaces’ in New York City.” To understand what a good idea it is here are some facts “A public transit bus has a surface of 340 square feet. The MTA fleet has around 4,500 buses. If we grew a garden on the roof of every one of the 4,500 buses in the MTA bus fleet, we would have 35 acres of new rolling green space in the city. The equivalent to Four Bryant Parks.” This idea won place at the DesignWala Grand Idea Competition. For 5 months a prototype has been driving around New York and other close by states like Ohio.


I think that this is a great idea. I think it would look nice on all they buses. At first it seemed like a silly idea but after reading this I think it’s pretty smart. I don’t think I would ever come up with such an idea (not saying it’s bad because it’s not).


1) What made Marco think of this idea?

2) Will it catch on with other people?

3) How many buses with be like this?

4) Will other buses companies follow this example?

5) Does it really help the environment?


  1. 1. What made Marco think of this idea was to make New York City go more green. He did this by planting a garden on top of roof tops. This will give the city a "green" environment.

    2. I dont know if people will catch on at first, but once when eventually they will. They will realize the effect it has on the city and what good it will have on it.

    3. In the MTA, there are 4,500 and all of those 4,500 willl have gardens on their rooftops.

    4.I don't think other bus companies will follow this idea. I think it was one good idea by one good bus company so I think the idea should only stay with the MTA. But I am syre there will be others companies trying to come up with better environmental ideas.

    5. I think it only helps the enviroment a small amount. The garden plants will take in the carbon dioxide and give out the oygen for us humans.

  2. Answers to questions: Curtis Sumner
    1. He thought of it by noticing how much space there is on the roof of most buses, and came up with the idea to help the environment.
    2. Probably- it may take a little effort, but with all the environmentalists out there (i.e. EPA, which probably loves this idea), this is a great way to get a little more green with driving. All that's left is to run them on electricity.
    3. Hopefully most, if not all of them, will have this modification.
    4. Yes and no. They might for publicity reasons, with them going green, and may get more business that way, but they may not because of the possible cost of planting a garden on all their roofs. To compensate, they may do that for only half of their busses.
    5. At this point in time, it's not so much 'will it help the environment', more like, 'will it help to reduce pollution in the world'. It will definitely help even out buses on the Pollution scale, but it probably won't do much more good than that.

  3. 1. Well, knowing that New York was one of the states that was threatened by the EPA because of Chesapeake Bay, that could be one of the reasons why he thought up the idea to put green up on the buses. I mean, if they're polluting something, they might as well compromise by trying to go green with something else. And on top of that, a lot of people use public transportation and many people find it a big deal to "go green". So seeing a bus that have "green" on the top of it could be a big thing for many people.

    2. To tell you the truth i actually do think that people will catch on to this because ever since the whole "Global Warming" epidemic started, many tried to make a difference about. So yeah, people will definitely catch on to having a bus that's got gardens on the tops of them.

    3. Well they're planning on having about 4500 buses like, which will cover about 35 acres of land in total.

    4. Who knows? Maybe there will be companies that think of it as an amazing idea and there will be companies who see it as a waste of money and time.

    5. Necessarily speaking, not much. I mean, it's not really gonna help out more than just release more oxygen. Its not necessarily gonna help evening out pollution, or end global warming or anything.But it's definitely gonna make an impact on things.

  4. 1) I think the fact that there are not many gardens or plants in New York city, and that it is mostly concrete there is the main reason he thought of this idea. It is to help the environment of New york City.

    2) It will catch on with other people because most people like the idea of saving the environment is very important to most people. It is especially important to the resident of New York because they don't see much of the environment that most people in the suburbs see.

    3) I don't think all busses will like this because it seems expensive to create. It is a great idea but not to many companies want to spend that kind of money.

    4) I think a few will, but not a lot of them because of the expense. It is too hard and costly to do.

    5) I think that i will help the environment cause every little thing does. If every city in the world did this then the world would be in a lot better shape.
