Monday, October 4, 2010

EPA comes down hard on Chesapeake Bay Cleanup

By Curtis Sumner

Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel
Summary: EPA has just been disciplining five U.S. states that have been treating the Chesapeake Bay like garbage, using garbage. Over the past 27 years they have ignored warnings to stop polluting, however they continue to be stubborn. On Friday September 24th, Virginia, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Delaware and New York have been given the ultimatum of November 29th to change their ways, or suffer the consequences. These 5 states provide more than 70% of pollution in Chesapeake Bay, causing numerous dead zones. If the states ignore the ultimatum, the EPA has promised to impose economically expensive rules that could increase the price on many important things. This action is a result of the order that Obama issued in May last year, which gave the EPA more power, and now the states are pushing back because of it.

Opinion. What is wrong with those places!?!? This has been going on since 1983, and has to stop. What's really scary, for me, is the fact that P.A. is getting punished, too. But I guess that gives us freshmen a good topic for our Grad Project. It's a shame that the EPA has not been able to do anything about this issue, without the power to reinforce any orders made, but thanks to Obama, that's over. I think that the EPA can do a lot more with this newfound power, they just need to find a way to use it. As for the 5 states, I have nothing but shame for them. They have had 27 years to stop polluting. 27 years! And we're part of one of the states! We've got to do something about it now, before it gets out of hand.

1.How do you think the states will continue to react to EPA's demands?
2.Is there anything that we as students can do to help?
3. Why do you think that those 5 states have ignored this issue for so long?
4.Why do you think Obama gave the EPA more power, in a way?
5. Do you think that the states will make this kind of mistake again, after the EPA's ultimatum?



  1. 1. Well, knowing as to how these 5 states have been threatened seriously now, i don't think that anyone's going to want to pay seriously expensive amounts of money because of the fact that there's pollution in the bay. So to tell you the truth, i actually think that the pollution will reduce.

    2. Of course there's ways we can help. We can start foundations for it, raise money to help preserve it, and many more things. Just because we're young doesn't mean that we can't make a difference.

    3. Well one reason could be the fact that the EPA hasn't enforced the no pollution policy. Another reason could be that many people have been just plain ignorant to the pollution that they cause. There could be many reasons to describe why they've ignored it.

    4. I think he gave the EPA the power that they now have because of the fact that we are now facing crisis because of the "Global Warming" factor. With pollution affecting our planet, i think the EPA has the right to now take more power to try to protect the environment because it's a serious issue. Not only is them having power over Chesapeake Bay a good thing, but it's going to help a lot with it and the power they have is going to be able to help everywhere with the polution problem.

    5. In my opinion, i don't think these specific states are gooing to make the same mistakes again, but i definitely think that many other places are going to make mistakes like this but just not as grave. Unless of course some people actually start to care about the environment, then we won't have as much of a problem.

  2. 1. I think these 5 states will follow the demands of the EPA. The government is obviously very upset with there behavior of harming the enviroment and government in now pushing serious threats on these states. So I do think these states will follow the EPA.

    2.Yes we can help. One way is we could drive all the was down to the Bay and clean up. Or we could do it the easy way and just raise monney to help clean up the mess.

    3.I think they have ignored this issue is because of how the government has pushed this law. The government hasn't really pushed this law for a while and now all of a sudden they want it to stop. So probably because government hadn't really enforced any laws.

    4. I think he gave the EPA more power is because Obama is trying to make the US in its best conditions. So he has probably given many programs and associations more power to help the US become a better place. Also he is the President and he can do basically what ever he wants to do.

    5. No, I don't. I think this because they now know how it is harming and majorly effecting the enviroment. Also they now know the major consequences that they have to deal with which could cause critical damage to the state's government.

  3. I am just shocked that people would treat the great Chesapeake Bay with such disregard to its ecosystem. I am also glad the President Obama gave more power to the EPA.

    1) I hope that these five states will react to the EPA ultimatum (in a positive way), so yes i think they will react to the EPA's demands.

    2)As students we could right a letter to the the governor and/or courthouse of these five states( at least to Pennsylvania's governor and court house).

    3)I think the states ignored it either because there was "more important" things to do or they were just stubborn and stupid.

    4)I think Obama gave the EPA more power so they can take care of more issues faster and easier.

    5)No i think the states will stay out of trouble after this because of the penalties and the problem it presents.

  4. 1. I think that these five states are not going to react well. They are all going to rebel no matter what the EPA's rules are. They are going to fight untill they cannot fight any more.

    2. No, there is nothing we can do because we have no power. There is no way that these five states will listen to us and not the EPA.

    3. I think they ignored it because it was a lot eaisier to ignore it. It is so much easier to just dump everything in the bay and do nothing else. They were just lazy and they don't want to change their ways now, but they are going to have to when they are forced to.

    4. Obama gave the epa a lot more power for many different reasons. They protect the world that we are destroying. We need people like that and obama understands that.

    5. I think that these states will learn their lesson, and that they will not make this mistake again. It is too expencive to not stop dumping in the lake.
