Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chinese Villagers Try to Annoy Away Invasive Boars


Farmers in china’s eastern province of Zhejiang have been facing a big problem with wild boars. The wilds boars have been cause many problems that involve crop damage, tourist industry, and a danger to all. After fail attempts to kill and scare off the baor the locals have come up with an idea to use vuvuzelas and karaoke (sound makers) to “annoy the wild boar away. In the last ten years the wild boar population has gone up an estimated five times from 30,000 to 150,000, this is most likely a result of the increase in reforestation over the last two decades. With more boar human and boar interaction has heightened the boar have been eaten crop and in the last decade have killed 22 people an injured another 188 others. The first attempt to control this problem was to hunt 10,000 boars but that was able to do much. So then they tried to scare them away with fireworks, booby-trap, and even bombs. Now a small group of 23 farmers have came together to protect their farmers and keep the boar away with vuvuzelas and karaoke for a “humane” way of keeping them away.


I think that the province of Zhejiang is in trouble. I think more hunting should be used to take care of the problem. This way there is less boars, more meat, and boar skin to make things with everyone wins. I have herd about wild boar in America doing the same thing that theses boar near and around Zhejiang. I have seen how bad it is here so I can’t image how bad it is in china.


I wonder how this strategy is going to work out for the farmers?

Have they stopped trying to hunt the boar?

How it is even possible for an animal to breed like that, how did they so many come around so fast?

Doesn’t the boar have any predators that will keep this problem under control?

This article was found on the tree hugger blog and here is a link to the exact article.


  1. 1. I think this strategy will work out well for the chinese farmers. One reason is that if you hunt something it usually will drop in population. That is a great plan but we need to test it before we'll know for sure.

    2. I don't know for sure but i don't think they will stop hunting the boar anytime soon because they need them to decrease in population. It wouldn't be a good idea to stop hunting the boar.

    3. The animals create a lot of children when they mate and they mate a lot. They also grow up quickly so they can multiply in a matter of months or even years.

    4. The boar do not have many other predators other than humans. The boar are at the top of the food chain and are not going to decrease in population unless humans intervene.

  2. Answers to questions- Curtis Sumner
    1. It might work, and I see the plan behind it, but the karaoke might annoy the boars to a breaking point where the attack the humans instead of running away.
    2. Probably not, because with the big boost in population, that means that much more opportunities for food.
    3. Some animals breed faster than others. Plus, with the reforestation, they have a lot more food to be able to have more children.
    4. Yes, like big cats (lions, tigers, cougars), and of course humans. Obviously, neither really helped to stem the boar population.
