Tuesday, September 21, 2010


  1. Answers to questions- Curtis Sumner
    1. It shouldn't- if the government takes samples of fish and checks to see whether or not oil has gotten to it, then they have the amount of damage to fish in that tiny area.
    2. They are probably furious and angry at the U.S. for making such a big mess, and they have to pay for it too- with the oil, they can't fish around the Gulf of Mexico.
    3.The Federal Government
    4. If they haven't, BP doesn't really have to, because it was the rig designer's fault (Transocean LTD) for building the rig so poorly
    5. Not that I am aware of, no.

  2. 1. It should not take too long. People have been studying this spill and have been tracking where it has lead to. So they have an idea of the animals and area it has effected.

    2.They are probably very angry at the United States. This is effecting Mexico's sea life too like fishing. They can't fish until the oil is finally cleaned

    3. The United States Federal Government

    4.Yes, i have seen commercials of how they feel terrible and extremely sorry for their mess. They are wanting to do as much as they can to clean up the mess.

    5. Only helping clean up the oil and the enviorment it has effected but nothing else of what I know.

  3. This topic of the oil spill is just annoying to me because in my opinion it should have never happen!
    In answer of your questions,
    1)I don't think we will really know the full extent of the damage to the animals living there for a couple of years when most (if not all) of the oil is gone.
    2)I know if i was the mexican government i would be very angry and demand punishment for those responsible.
    3)BP has taken responsibility.
    4) Technically they have but it was an insincere one.
    5) I'm pretty sure BP is helping with clean up and helping to start up fishing in that area again.
